Protect your home, car, and other valuable possessions with the help of Big Bear Insurance. When you purchase personal insurance from us, we customize a policy that fits your budget. Call us today for a free quote.
Auto Coverage
To protect yourself from auto liability, it is important to maintain the proper coverage. That's where our company comes in. We offer auto insurance that we can tailor to your particular situation. No matter the level of coverage you need, we have excellent plans available through reputable auto insurers. We offer the following insurance products for cars, boats, motorcycles, RVs, ATVs, and golf carts:
Compulsory Auto Policy Coverage:
Bodily Injury to Others
Damage to Someone Else's Property
Personal Injury Protection
Bodily Injury Caused by Uninsured Auto
Optional Coverages:
Towing & Labor
Medical Payments
Substitute Transportation
Bodily Injury Caused by Underinsured Auto
Homeowners Insurance
The biggest investment you will ever make is probably your home. By turning to us, you can protect this sizable, financial asset with a comprehensive homeowners plan. We offer the following coverage:
Basic Protection:
Additional Living Expenses
Your Personal Legal Liability
Personal Belongings (Furniture, Clothing, Appliances, Etc.)
Your Home (Mobile Homes & Condominiums Included)
Other Buildings or Structures on Your Property
Additional Security:
Home Replacement Guarantee
Replacement Cost on Contents
Additional Coverage Form
Life Insurance
Life insurance is a crucial step in planning for you and your family's future. When your loved ones receive your death benefit, it will be income-tax free. Your loved ones will then be able to use it to cover funeral expenses, repay debt, provide education, pay estate taxes, or any other expenses your survivors may incur. Additionally, life insurance can be used to help ensure that a family business will pass to your intended survivor. There are also benefits to certain types of coverage plans during your lifetime.